Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Now You Need Photo ID To Ship A UPS Package

Chris Morran
The Consumerist
December 7, 2010

Because there’s nothing that stops fraud or terrorism like being made to show a photo ID, UPS has announced that customers will need to show a government-issued ID when shipping that tin of cookies to their Aunt Mable for her 90th birthday.

The policy, which comes as a response to those explosive devices shipped on a cargo plane in October, covers all UPS customers who aren’t using a pre-printed shipping label at any retail outlet where the parcel company picks up packages.

Says a UPS VP, who probably got the job for looking really sexy in brown shorts:
Since retail centers experience a significant increase in business from occasional shippers during the busy holidays, this enhancement adds a prudent step in our multilayered approach to security.
We don’t know about you, but between this news and Walmart’s partnership with Homeland Security, we certainly feel safer.
 UPS Expands Photo ID Requirement for Retail Shipping [Bloomberg]


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