Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Missouri Proposes to RaiseTax on Tattoo Artists and Body Piercers $30 to $100 Increase


Missouri has proposed increasing tattoo shop licensing fees from $30 to $100. The increase in fees for artists and body piercers would generate more revenue for the state, about $120,000 over the two year licensing period.

Surprising to some, some artists think fees should go up because it will help get the people who do tattoos illegally out of the market.

A state agency that looks at professional licensing said the state needs the increase in order to make sure businesses give tattoos and piercings in the correct way. The number of body piercing and tattoo businesses in Missouri has increased by 33 percent since 2005. 
Click Here for more info.


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1 comment:

  1. Where did you find that disgusting photo?!

    As far as I'm concerned, Missouri should increase the licensing fee to $10,000 and drive all these tattoo and body piercing shops out of business altogether!

    Increase taxes for tattoos and body piercing and decrease the tax on my scotch!

    Dick Schaefer
