Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SHOCK VIDEO: Rockefeller: FCC Should Take FOXNEWS, MSNBC off the Air: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU????




WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??????????????

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Public Information Statement: Missouri winter weather awareness day 2010


Public Information Statement
Statement as of 4:00 PM CST on November 17, 2010

... Missouri winter weather awareness day 2010...
the weather may be OK today but it may change soon. Winter is not
very far away. Following are suggestions for preparing your vehicle
for winter.

... Winter car care...

Your automobile can be your best friend or worst enemy during
winter storms. Get your car winterized before winter arrives.
The following items should be checked to ensure they are in
proper working order:

Ignition system
heater/cooling system
fuel system
windshield wipers
windshield washer fluid
exhaust system

A leaky exhaust system can be extremely dangerous. Carbon
monoxide... an odorless... and colorless gas... can build up inside
the car creating a deadly situation. Keep water out of your Fuel
Tank by keeping it full as much as possible.

It is a good idea to keep a winter storm kit in your car. Some items
to include are a blanket... extra clothes... non-perishable food such
as candy bars... flashlight... small shovel... sand... portable radio or
a weather radio... ice scraper... and booster cables.

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Rapid Fire Pop-A-Shot baskets (Web Video)

Asian Girl Pop-a-Shot Arcade Basketball Game World Record
(128 Made Shots in a Row)

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Area Children Victims of the methamphetamine plague

An excellent public awareness article has been posted Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:23 am | Updated: 8:26 am, Wed Nov 17, 2010, By Ed Pruneau, Missourian Managing Editor and can be found here:

The article provides these chilling facts:

As of Monday, 200 children currently are in foster homes or placed with relatives in the 20th Judicial Circuit, which includes Franklin, Gasconade and Osage counties.

"According to DFS (Division of Family Services), the largest number of those are in Franklin County and most of those were taken from drug endangered homes," said Detective Sgt. Jason Grellner, commander of the Franklin County Narcotics Enforcement Unit.

The article also appeals for help from the community in conducting a drive for donations.

 Hermann MO News encourages all to Click Here for more info. and to see how you can help!!!


In two previous postings here on HERMANN MO NEWS, we reported that(see below).

Although, Hermann MO News may question (see below) what measures are to be taken, to get a handle on the methamphetamine plague, Hermann MO News in no way condones nor encourages, the use or manufacture of methamphetamine.  Thank you readers, for your understanding in this delicate issue (city ordinances passed without a vote by the people).

 Cold Pill Sales are Not Soaring at Hermann Missouri Pharmacies: A Two Phone Call Report

Another City Ready to Jump on the 'Pseudoephedrine Ordinance' Bandwagon????
Pacific Missouri, To Consider
Pseudoephedrine Law

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Money and Markets - The New Landscape




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Local Hermann MO Students, Tarey Vieth and Maribeth Dann, to return to work for St. Bernard Project, started after Hurricane Katrina relief Project!!!

At least Two Students from Hermann High School, 
Tarey Vieth and Maribeth Dann, will be returning to New Orleans this summer to work with the St. Bernard Project, which started after Hurricane Katrina. 

More students may go this time, but it will  be capped at 20 students.
 . Click Here for more info.

Interview with Sister Judy from Maribeth Dann on Vimeo.

For more Videos and info from this last summer, visit this COOL blog site brought to you
by Maribeth Dann:

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Another City Ready to Jump On the 'Pseudoephedrine Ordinance' Bandwagon????



Pacific Missouri, To Consider 

Pseudoephedrine Law

A controversial drug law that has been passed in many local cities, and rejected in one, will get consideration in Pacific later this month. During their meeting Tuesday, Pacific aldermen heard a presentation from Franklin County Narcotics Commander Sgt. Jason Grellner about the pseudoephedrine ordinance, which is designed to curb methamphetamine production by restricting access to medications containing pseudoephedrine, an active ingredient in meth. 
. Click Here for more info.


(We) Won't Get Fooled Again


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One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans...Scanners, Can and Do, Save You Image!!!


At the heart of the controversy over "body scanners" is a promise: The images of our naked bodies will never be public. U.S. Marshals in a Florida Federal courthouse saved 35,000 images on their scanner. These are those images.

A Gizmodo investigation has revealed 100 of the photographs saved by the Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner from Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., obtained by a FOIA request after it was recently revealed that U.S. Marshals operating the machine in the Orlando, Florida courthouse had improperly-perhaps illegally-saved images of the scans of public servants and private citizens.

We understand that it will be controversial to release these photographs. But identifying features have been eliminated. And fortunately for those who walked through the scanner in Florida last year, this mismanaged machine used the less embarrassing imaging technique but WERE saved, never-the-less.

. Click Here for more info.

Surprise, the Government has been Lying to Us!!!

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