Friday, January 14, 2011

UPDATED: Local Newspaper Offers Innovative Web Service for Hermann Missouri Residents

A-C launches website feature to get 
"Your News" and photos both online, in the newspaper
Beginning this week, the newspaper’s website,, is launching a new feature that will allow readers to help shape the news both in their paper and online.     

YourNews  , will allow readers to upload stories, events and photos that after an approval process, will be featured online and, sometimes, in print.     
The Advertiser-Courier gets numerous submissions in a variety of ways, and those avenues will still be open. YourNews, however, will open up an entirely new way for A-C readers to interact with us and with their community.     

The goal is to allow readers to become community reporters

They can snap a picture of their family supporting their favorite team at the big game and submit it, or they could send in breaking news information. The level of participation is up to them.       

With today’s technology, people can let us know what’s going on at the ball field, on the roads or at their church with a few clicks of a button. This site will be a place where no news is too big or too small to be read.     

The Advertiser-Courier hopes its readers will share their stories and pictures and check out those shared by their friends and neighbors.     
The submission process is easy. Just go to:   and follow the step-bystep instructions.     

Readers can select from a number of categories including: Lifestyles, Lost & Found, Citizen Journalists (for breaking news), education, sports and volunteering.     

The Advertiser-Courier is hoping this will become something of an online destination for readers in the Hermann area to share their community news both with us and their fellow readers. 



It has been stated on the Internet, by an Elected Local Official, that your local newspaper is a, and I quote, "....our approach has been to compete directly with our dying weekly local paper and treat our online paper as a regular daily newspaper, only online (without the actual paper)."

I,  Poor Richard 2011, editor and web-master of HermannMoNews, do not believe this is, nor has ever been, true.  

I also have documented evidence that this individual has a vested motive, to the failure of Hermanns' only printed weekly publication.

Why not expose him?  I rather that he come forward of his own accord and retract this unfortunate statement.  

HermannMoNews is not about destroying somebodies reputation, nor do I seek recognition.
I am an Unemployed Nobody!!!  
However, This extra time on my hands has offered me the opportunity to 'Voice My Opinion' via other peoples statements!

I have a Tenacious desire for information, meaning, I love to RESEARCH EVERYTHING!!!

I encourage the citizens of Hermann Missouri to not only support but also get actively involved with the daily news, of YOUR Community!!!

The Hermann Advertiser-Courier has given you that Opportunity,  Please take it!!!

(Richard Starkey)

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Forget about the past and all your sorrows,
The future won't last,
It will soon be over tomorrow.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it just ain't easy.

Open up your heart, let's come together,
Use a little love
And we will make it work out better.

(ah -)
(ah -)

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Peace, remember peace is how we make it,
Here within your reach
If you're big enough to take it.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it don't come easy.

Reciprocal links: Area News, Commentary & Discussion)

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for the Hermann A-C! I don't know who would be "stupid" enough to say that the Hermann A-C is "dieing"? Would such an asinine statement come from the self-promoting operators of a second-class online "news" publication? Ha ha ha! You just can't fix "stupid"!

    Tweety Bird
