Friday, January 14, 2011

Missouri House Rules Committee OK's Smoking in Capitol Offices of Representatives


Mo. reps rule out smoking ban for offices

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- The number of places Missouri state representatives can smoke is dwindling, but they will still be allowed to smoke in the confines of their Capitol offices.
The House Rules Committee on Tuesday passed the rules the House will run by for the next two years. Included in the list of changes to previous rules was the banning of smoking in the rear (east) lounge area, immediately behind the House chamber.
The common area is a place for representatives to retreat from the floor for conversations with other lawmakers, a chance to make phone calls and check messages, and even, at times, grab a quick nap. It was also where, since smoking was banned from the House floor in the late 1980s, representatives could light up without penalty.
. Click Here to Read More.



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