Monday, February 7, 2011

Girl Scouts Might Cut Cookie Options


Girl Scouts Might Cut Cookie Options

February 5, 2011
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The Girl Scouts are starting a pilot program that will cut down cookie selections to the most popular five or six.


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MAN ON PIANO: “The cookies are here!”
ELDERLY WOMAN: “Oh-the cookies are here!”
WOMAN: “Spanish: The cookies are here!”
MAN: “The cookies are HEEERE!” (Video Source: Youtube)
The cookies ARE here, but not as many as you may remember. The Girl Scouts of Ameirca are dropping some flavors, but the organization denies the cuts are due to the economy, saying it’s just business. As CBS-affiliate KREM reports... at least they didn’t touch the Thin Mints.
“Some of their flavors may possibly be a thing of the past. The Girl Scouts plan to discontinue some of the sales of their cookies. Newer varieties such as Thank-U-Berry Munch are being scratched. Sugar-free chocolate chip cookies are also being, well, they’re gonna make it to the chopping block.”
...but don’t get a chocolate chip on your shoulder yet. It’s just a pilot program, and as ABC-affiliate KATU reports - not all troops are in.
’Of 112 Girl Scout councils in the country, [only] 12 Little Brownie councils have chosen to participate in a pilot program that focuses on the six top-selling cookie varieties...’”
There are 11 flavors of Girl Scout cookies listed on the organization’s Web site. Various news reports say the goal is to eventually narrow the selection down to the most popular five or six. (Video: Fox News)
The organization says the reason for the cuts is due to large inventories of leftover cookies outside the most popular.
...and The Atlantic reports it’s not the first time the Girl Scouts have tried to save some dough. 
“When flour and transportation costs in the 2000s, Girl Scouts protected their cookie box prices by making smaller cookies, putting fewer in a pack, and making other changes to make the boxes lighter.”
If the program is successful, we could say bye bye to Dulce de Leche, Thank U Berry Munch, All Abouts, the sugar-free chocolate chip cookie or the Thanks-A-Lot shortbread cookie --- and blog YumSugar says the cut-backs are a smart move. 
“The top five cookie varieties compose 77 percent of Girl Scout cookie sales; the test program, known as the Super Six pilot, will take advantage of that...

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1 comment:

  1. No one has come by to take my order yet! I'm getting worried that I won't get my Thin Mints and Samoas this year!
