Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lea Michele Too Sexy For Her Glee Fans - Mom's Mad


Parents 'Gleek Out' Over Cosmo Cover

February 6, 2011

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Parents are up in arms over Glee star Lea Michele's Cosmopolitan cover depicting an image many find too sexy for her fans.


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Moms are mad. The March cover of Cosmopolitan, which shows Lea Michele with a disproportionate skin-to-clothing ratio, has teenage boys drooling, and parents up in arms.

The star of the hit TV series Glee is no stranger to controversy. Michele and fellow cast members Cory Monteith and Dianna Agron took a lot of heat for this risqué GQ photo shoot back in November.

With her new Cosmopolitan cover splashed with headlines like“The Sex Quiz”, “Get Naked” and “For His Thighs Only” - Fox reports many parents aren’t breaking out into song over the glee star’s new image.

“These peeved parents say Michele, as an actress who plays a high school student on a TV show watched largely by teen and pre-teen viewers, has a responsibility to their kids to keep things a little more buttoned up.”

That same article quotes Suzette Valle, a mother of two teenagers. She says...

“It’s irresponsible to be using an adult who represents a minor dressed in provacative clothes. I think Cosmo is now taking advantage of the raucous GQ caused with their ‘Glee’ cover and hoping to cash in on the press it got.”

But a blogger for Zap2it says- Fox News would track down some mad moms.

“The parents claim that because Michele plays a high school ‘good girl’ on TV, she should uphold that image off-screen as well. No word on whether these parents understand what ‘acting’ means, but we'd imagine they expect Jane Lynch to berate children in the street and Kevin McHale to remain wheelchair-bound at all times when in public.”

Amidst the criticism, The Boston Herald comes to Michele’s defense saying- here’s the deal.

“Lea Michele is a grown woman.... Cosmo is a magazine for ADULTS. The fact is, you can cleanse your house of the magazines, place controls over certain sites on your internet, and do everything in your power to block reality from your 13-year-old’s life. But it’s only going to do so much.”

For the record, Lea Michele is 24. Many media outlets report she has increasingly moved further away from her on screen character Rachel Berry. Who does she credit for her new found sexuality? Why Glee of course.

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