Wednesday, February 16, 2011

'Move Your Caboose' Hermann Missouri City Aldermen Accepted Ownership of Iconic Train Caboose to facilitate Move


The city of Hermann took action Monday evening towards moving the iconic train caboose from its location at the corner of First and Gutenberg Streets.   During their meeting, aldermen accepted ownership of the caboose so it can eventually be moved to the city's new train station.  In exchange, the city will allow the Masons to continue their use of the corner area for future fundraising events.

The caboose had been owned by the Hermann Masonic Temple Association, but had to be transferred to the city to facilitate the move. 

Eventually, the caboose will be part of a museum at the new train station, although the move likely will not occur for about a year.

The city should begin seeking bids for the train station construction within the next few months.  

The caboose is approximately 60 years old, and has stood at the corner of First and Gutenberg for nearly 20 years.

In other city business:

The Hermann Board of Aldermen will study new flood insurance rate maps that will soon be provided by the State Emergency Management Agency.

   The city was given a heads up on the pending new countywide flood insurance maps, which will need to be adopted by ordinance. Upon adopting the new ordinance, SEMA will then forward it to FEMA. The effective date will be July 18, 2011.

   It is necessary for the city to adopt such an ordinance to be eligible to participate in the national flood insurance program.

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