Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Damages Docks Sinking at 'Lake of the Ozarks', Missouri

Reminiscent of SNOW STORM 2006: Winter weather at Lake of the Ozarks can bring the unexpected. Dock owners should check homeowner's insurance policies to assure they are covered.

Snow causes damage to docks at Lake of the Ozarks

Associated Press
Posted on February 5, 2011


(AP) -- Snow piled high on docks at the Lake of the Ozarks has taken a toll on piers at the central Missouri tourist attraction.
Officials said the weight of snow had collapsed two major docks at the lake, and others were either damaged or sinking. The Jefferson City News Tribune reported that work crews were clearing snow from the roofs of covered docks to reduce the weight.
"Some of these docks are in danger of going under," said Don Herzing, owner of Herzing Roofing. "In some cases, it's only the boats that are holding them up. We're clearing 2 to 3 feet of snow -- in some cases drifts up to 4 feet -- from the roofs."
A severe winter storm blew through Missouri Tuesday and Wednesday, blanketing central Missouri beneath more than a foot of snow and buffeting the state with heavy winds. Residents and officials have spent the last several days plowing city streets and highways and digging out homes and cars.
At the Lake of the Ozarks, a popular lake about an hour southwest of Jefferson City, recovering from the storm also has meant cleaning up the docks to which boats are moored. The Lake of the Ozarks is formed by a dam owned by St. Louis-based utility Ameren Corp.
Jeff Green, the shoreline supervisor for Ameren Missouri, said there were reports of damage at commercial docks, such as at a condominium and yacht club. However, he said the snow storm was less destructive than ice storms in 2006. Green said the damage this year largely has come from drifting snow that has made the docks heavier.

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