Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Washington Plant Worker Brings Wepons To Work, Arrested Next Day at Home, Franklin County Missouri


Police: Plant Employee Threatened Co-Workers, Stockpiled Weapons

 by dfox on Wed, 02/09/2011

A Franklin County man was issued weapons-related charges Wednesday after he accumulated several weapons and explosives, and threatened co-workers at a Washington plant, Washington Police announced. Charged with Unlawful Possession, Transport, Manufacture, Repair or Sale of an Illegal Weapon was Shawn Arflack, 35.
According to police, Arflack had threatened co-workers at Stork Fabricators, 525 Vossbrink Drive, for some time, leaving "the entire plant in fear." On Monday, following interviews with employees, police seized weapons and ammunition from Arflack's car parked at the plant, Chief Ken Hahn said.
On Tuesday, police uncovered further information that Arflack had constructed a silencer at work, and removed aluminum shavings from Stork Fabricators to be used in the manufacture of explosives, police said. Upon responding to Arflack's residence on Sawmill Road, police discovered Arflack and another person removing several weapons from the home, and placing them into Arflack's vehicle. Lying on the front seat of the vehicle was the silencer, police said.

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$ 40,000 Bail For Lindsay Lohan, Pleaded Not Guilty, Felony Grand Theft of $ 2,500 Necklace


Lohan pleads not guilty to felony theft charge

Feb. 9, 2011

LOS ANGELES(AP) – Lindsay Lohan pleaded not guilty Wednesday to felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace — a case that could return the troubled starlet to jail rather than the big screen.
She entered the plea through her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley after a judge scolded her about following the law.
"Look around this room," Superior Court Judge Keith Schwartz told Lohan. "Everybody else has to follow the law. You're no different than anyone else. So please, don't push your luck."
Schwartz set bail at $40,000. He said it appeared Lohan had violated her probation in a 2007 drunken driving case and warned that if she violated the law while free on bail he would have her arrested and held.
Lohan spoke little during the hearing except to acknowledge her name and that she understood the charge and the possible consequences.
The "Mean Girls" star was met by a swarm of photographers when she arrived at the courthouse in a white dress and sunglasses.
Prosecutors claim the 24-year-old starlet took the necklace in January.
If convicted of the theft charge, Lohan could face up to three years in state prison.
Holley said Lohan was entering an early disposition program where she could work out a deal to keep the case from going to trial.
She said Lohan has received good reports from her probation officer and has not failed any drug screens.
Prosecutor Danette Meyers rejected the idea that Lohan has been well-behaved.
"Well, a good probationer doesn't pick up a new case," Meyers said.
Schwartz ordered Lohan not to have any contact with the jewelry store that reported the necklace missing. The order came after Meyers said that someone sent the store flowers on Lohan's behalf after police started their investigation.

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Collective Soul To Play Washington Town & Country Fair, Friday, Aug. 5, 2010 MUSIC VIDEO Shine

Feb 9, 2011

Organizers of the Washington Town & Country Fair released the name of the Friday night mainstage entertainment for this August's fair, rock band Collective Soul. The announcement came about a month after organizers released the names of the other mainstage acts: Little Big Town, Lifehouse, and Joe Nichols.

Collective Soul will take the stage on Friday, Aug. 5, two days after the fair's opening. Little Big Town will play Thursday, Aug. 4, Lifehouse will headline Saturday, Aug. 6, and Joe Nichols will close out the fair on Sunday, Aug. 7.
Collective Soul released its first album in 1993, and has recorded seven Number 1 mainstream rock hits.

Collective Soul

Collective Soul performing in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 5, 2010.
Background information
Origin Stockbridge, Georgia, United States
Genres Alternative rock, hard rock, post-grunge
Years active 1992–present
Labels Atlantic (1993–2001)
EL Music Group (2004–2007)
Roadrunner Records (2008–present)


     Former members

  • Ross Childress - (1992–2001) - lead guitar
  • Shane Evans - (1992–2003) - drums, percussion
  • Ryan Hoyle - (2003–2009) - drums, percussion

Collective Soul is an American rock band originally formed in Stockbridge, Georgia.[1] Collective Soul broke into mainstream popularity with its first hit single, "Shine", which came from their debut album Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid, released in 1993. They have recorded seven Number One mainstream rock hits.[2]
Collective Soul was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame on September 19, 2009.


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14 Gasconade County Volleyball Players Make All-Academic High School Volleyball Team

5 New Haven  Players Also Named

Five members of the 2010 Hermann High School and Nine members from Owensville High volleyball teams have made the Academic All-State Volleyball Team, according to the Missouri High School Volleyball Coaches Association (MHSVCA).

To determine this award the MHSVCA uses the un-weighted cumulative GPA.  To make the team, a varsity player (9-12 grade level) had to compete in at least 75% of the team's total varsity games and  achieve a cumulative 3.6 grade point average after the first semester of the 2010-11 school year.

Hermann Lady Bearcats team players who made the all-academic team were:Ashley Brooks, Kaitlyn LaBoube, Laura Rethemeyer, Hannah Steinbeck and Shelby Winkelmann. 

Hermann won the Class 2 state title November 2010. It was the Lady Bearcats' 11th state volleyball championship.  They were Coached by Linda Lampkin.

Owensville High School Dutchgirls players named to the team were:

Katie DeBroeck, Stephanie Parker, Leah Bohl, Becky Dyer, Michelle Wehmeyer, Hannah Paneitz, Katie Davis, Paige Jaworski-Jurgens and Jamie Abel. They were coached by Dwayne Clingman.

Five members of the New Haven volleyball team also made the team.

They are Cynthia Chavez, Taylor Cobb, Ashley Hale, Elise McDonald and Kelsey Pecaut.  They were coached by Sharen Speckhals.

New Haven finished second in the state Class 1 tournament  November 2010. 


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Patriot Act Runs Into Opposition, Infringes on Civil Liberties, Extension provisions fails in House


Extension of Patriot Act provisions fails in House

Tea Party-backed freshman Republicans among those opposed

NBC, and news services
Feb 9, 2011

The House of Representatives failed Tuesday to extend the life of three surveillance tools that are crucial to the United States' post-Sept. 11 anti-terror law, a slipup for the new Republican leaders who miscalculated the level of opposition.
The House voted 277-148 to keep the three provisions of the USA Patriot Act on the books until Dec. 8. Republicans brought up the bill under a special expedited procedure that required a two-thirds majority, and the vote was seven short of reaching that level.
The Republicans, who took over the House last month, lost 26 of their own members, adding to the 122 Democrats who voted against it. Supporters say the three measures are vital to preventing another terrorist attack like those on Sept. 11, 2001, but critics say they infringe on civil liberties. They appealed to the antipathy that newer and more conservative Republicans hold for big government invasions of individual privacy. 
The Patriot Act bill would have renewed the authority for court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones. Also addressed was Section 215, the so-called library records provision, which gives the FBI court-approved access to "any tangible thing" relevant to a terrorism investigation.
The third deals with the "lone-wolf" provision of a 2004 anti-terror law that permits secret intelligence surveillance of non-U.S. people not known to be affiliated with a specific terror organization. 
Among the 26 Republicans against the extension were seven freshman lawmakers backed by the Tea Party movement, whose members have said the Patriot Act intrudes on every-day life, NBC News reported. They are David Schweikert of Arizona, Tom Graves of Georgia, Raul Labrador of Idaho, Randy Hultgren and Bobby Schilling of Illinois, Justin Amash of Michigan and Christopher Gibson of New York. An eighth first-term Republican, Michael Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, joined them.
The Republican-controlled House was expected to favor the nine-month extension.

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CIA Incompetent Promoted or Rehired as Contractors - AP Investigation


CIA officers make grave mistakes, get promoted

The Associated Press

AP: Since 9/11, many whose errors left people wrongly imprisoned or dead have received only minor admonishments or no punishment at all

In December 2003, security forces boarded a bus in Macedonia and snatched a German citizen named Khaled el-Masri. For the next five months, el-Masri was a ghost. Only a select group of CIA officers knew he had been whisked to a secret prison for interrogation in Afghanistan.
But he was the wrong guy.
A hard-charging CIA analyst had pushed the agency into one of the biggest diplomatic embarrassments of the U.S. war on terrorism. Yet despite recommendations by an internal review, the analyst was never punished. In fact, she has risen to one of the premier jobs in the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, helping lead President Barack Obama's efforts to disrupt al-Qaida.
In the years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, officers who committed serious mistakes that left people wrongly imprisoned or even dead have received only minor admonishments or no punishment at all, an Associated Press investigation has revealed. The botched el-Masri case is but one example of a CIA accountability process that even some within the agency say is unpredictable and inconsistent.
Though Obama has sought to put the CIA's interrogation program behind him, the result of a decade of haphazard accountability is that many officers who made significant missteps are now the senior managers fighting the president's spy wars.
The AP investigation of the CIA's actions revealed a disciplinary system that takes years to make decisions, hands down reprimands inconsistently and is viewed inside the agency as prone to favoritism and manipulation. When people are disciplined, the punishment seems to roll downhill, sparing senior managers even when they were directly involved in operations that go awry.
Mock execution Two officers involved in the death of a prisoner in Afghanistan, for instance, received no discipline and have advanced into Middle East leadership positions. Other officers were punished after participating in a mock execution in Poland and playing a role in the death of a prisoner in Iraq. Those officers retired, then rejoined the intelligence community as contractors.
Some lawmakers were so concerned about the lack of accountability that last year they created a new inspector general position with broad authority to investigate missteps in the CIA or anywhere else in the intelligence community.
"There are occasions when people ought to be fired," former Sen. Kit Bond said in November as he completed his tenure as the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee. "Someone who made a huge error ought not to be working at the agency. We've seen instance after instance where there hasn't been accountability."

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State Senator Dan Brown Listening Post Coming to Hermann Friday, Feb 11 2011

State Senator Dan Brown announces two listening posts in February

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Feb 4, 2011) — State Sen. Dan Brown, R-Rolla, today announced that his office will be continuing a series of listening posts around the 16th District.
The listening posts allow constituents the opportunity to voice their opinions or concerns about state government in a setting that is close to their home.

The next set of listening posts will be held Friday, Feb. 11. The first session will begin at 9 a.m., and will be held in Maries County at Belle City Hall, (200 E. 3rd St.). The second session will begin at 1:00 p.m., and will be held in Gasconade County at the Hermann City Hall (1902 Jefferson St.).

In the interest of public safety, the listening posts for today, Friday, Feb. 4, have been cancelled. The first session was set to begin at 9:00 a.m. this morning in the Osage County Community Center, Legends Bank Room (1811 US Hwy 50). The second session was set for 1:30 p.m. at the City Hall in Montgomery City
(723 N. Sturgeon).

Further dates and locations will be announced at a later date.
Sen. Dan Brown is a member of the Veteran’s Affairs Committee, Emerging Issues Committee, Agriculture, Food Production & Outdoor Resources Committee, Education Committee, and Appropriations Committee, and is vice-chair of the Pensions & Urban Affairs Committee. He can be reached at the following address: Sen. Dan Brown, State Capitol Building, Room 434, Jefferson City, MO 65101, via his website at, by phone at (573) 751.5713, by fax at (573) 751.0733, or by e-mailing him at

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Missouri Considers ‘right to work’ Law, Heated Debate


Missouri revisits ‘right to work’

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

JEFFERSON CITY • Two different pictures of labor unions emerged Tuesday at a state Senate hearing on whether Missouri should outlaw contracts that make union dues a condition of employment.
On one side: those who see unions as scaring away new employers and taking away workers' individual liberties.
On the other: those who say unions provide a ready supply of trained workers and have helped build the middle class.
Both sides inundated the Senate General Laws Committee with economic studies and philosophical arguments in a packed public hearing. The committee is considering a bill that would make Missouri the 23rd state to pass a "right to work" law.
The measure would bar employers and workers from negotiating contracts that include "union security" clauses. Such clauses require workers to pay union dues or an equivalent fee to cover collective bargaining costs.
After decades of dormancy, the bill gained momentum this year when the new Senate leader, President Pro Tem Rob Mayer, R-Dexter, made it a priority. Mayer said he had seen communities in southeastern Missouri lose businesses to Arkansas and Tennessee, both right-to-work states.
"This bill does not prevent unions," she said. "It does not prevent employees from joining unions. It does prevent an employee from being forced to join a union."
All of Missouri's bordering states except Illinois and Kentucky have adopted right-to-work laws. Oklahoma was the last state to adopt a right-to-work law, in 2001. Ridgeway said all the neighboring right-to-work states had lower unemployment rates than Missouri.
The bill's opponents, who have dubbed the bill "right to work for less," said wages and benefits were lower in the right-to-work states. They stressed that unions invest in training that assures safety on construction projects.
Emily Martin, chief executive officer of Aschinger Electric Co. in Fenton, said her company chose to rely on union workers because that guaranteed her a highly skilled work force.
"I may only have you here four months, but I know the quality's going to be there," she said.
Union supporters objected to descriptions of Missouri's current rules as "forced" unionization.
Workers at companies with unions can opt out, paying only the fees that cover collective bargaining negotiations and administration of pension funds, said Ron Gladney, a lawyer for the Missouri State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.
Gladney, who is married to U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Cape Girardeau, acknowledged that Missourians had "diverse" views on unions.
"I get that some folks in the Bootheel are scared of unions," Gladney said. "I'm not aware of a major organizing effort in outstate Missouri in the last 30 years."
By the same token, he said, "St. Louis doesn't want Bootheel views forced down their throat."
Whether the bill would make Missouri more competitive in luring new jobs is the key question, said committee chairwoman Sen. Jane Cunningham, R-Chesterfield. On that point, the bill's supporters got some ammunition from Mark M. Sweeney, a site selection consultant from Greenville, S.C.
Sweeney, who advises companies looking to locate new plants, said that 75 percent of the manufacturers he works with "explicitly express a strong interest in being in a right-to-work state." About half of them won't even consider states that don't fit that bill, he said.
The National Right to Work Committee's director of legislation, Greg Mourad, said that while wages may be lower in right-to-work states, family income is higher when those states' lower cost of living is taken into account.
Although the committee took no vote on the measure, it appears likely to clear that hurdle next week. Still to be decided: whether to place it on the statewide ballot, a route that would sidestep a probable veto by Gov. Jay Nixon.
Nixon's labor department chief, Lawrence Rebman, testified that the administration opposed the bill.
Missourians overwhelmingly defeated a right-to-work law in 1978 after a bitterly fought campaign. Since then, union membership has declined by more than half.
Even so, Missouri defied a national trend last year: Union membership rose in Missouri to 9.9 percent of working Missourians from 9.4 percent in 2009, according to a report released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Nationwide, unionized workers fell to 11.9 percent of the work force, from 12.3 percent in 2009. For the first time, government employees accounted for more than half of the nation's union membership.

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MEET 'GENERATION NET' Kids Prefer Virtual Life vs Real World


Generation net: The youngsters who prefer their virtual lives to the real world

By Liz Thomas
8th February 2011

Children are often happier with their online lives than they are with reality, a survey has revealed.
They say they can be exactly who they want to be – and as soon as something is no longer fun they can simply hit the quit button.
The study also shows that, despite concerns about online safety, one in eight young people is in contact with strangers when on the web and often lies about their appearance, age and background.
Researchers for children’s charity Kidscape assessed the online activities of 2,300 11- to 18-year-olds from across the UK and found that 45 per cent said they were sometimes happier online than in their real lives.
The report – Virtual Lives: It is more than a game, it is your life – lays bare the attitudes of children today to the internet and includes revealing insights into how they feel when they are on the web.
Around 47 per cent of children said they behaved differently online than they did in their normal lives with many claiming it made them feel more powerful and confident.

The report found that of those who spoke to strangers online 60 per cent did not tell the truth about their age, and 40 per cent were not honest about personal relationships.

Around 10 per cent said they changed aspects of their appearance and their personality for their online activity.
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Keith Olbermann Announces Joining Al Gore Founded, 'Current TV'


Olbermann Back in the Game

February 8, 2011

After leaving MSNBC last month, controversial anchor Keith Olbermann announced Tuesday he will be joining the Al Gore-founded Current TV.


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It’s safe to say, we haven’t heard the last of Keith Olbermann. He’s not exactly the type to roll over and die. After his departure from MSNBC last month -- everyone wondered where he was headed next.

STEPHANOPOULOS: “He’s gonna have to stay off the news -- television news for some time. But, can he thrive without the platform and promotion that MSNBC gave him?”

KURTZ: “That’s a pretty good base, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts an Internet channel or something like that.” (ABC)

And this week, “something like that” came around.

“Well Keith Olbermann has apparently landed a new TV gig.”

“Keith Olbermann has landed a new TV gig.”
“Reports say Keith Olbermann, former MSNBC anchor, will tell us today about his new gig.”

That “new gig” is with Current TV - a public affairs channel owned by Al Gore.

Olbermann will not only anchor an hour-long, primetime program, but will also serve as the chief news officer for the network. (
In a press release, Olbermann says this about his new company:

“In Current Media, Al Gore and Joel Hyatt have created the model truth-seeking entity. The opportunity... makes this the most exciting venture in my career."

Current TV is only a few years old... NOT included in every cable package... and has about 20 million FEWER viewers than MSNBC. (Current TV)

So it’s easy to see why the network wanted the powerhouse anchorman -- but what can Current offer Olbermann? Forbes suggests one thing: Independence.

“The left-leaning TV channel is privately held and independently owned by backers like Gore, which is to say Olbermann wouldn’t be at risk of clashing with any corporate overlords as he often did at NBC Universal-owned MSNBC.”

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O'Reilly, Obama Interview or Interrupt-a-thon, Insightful or Disrespectful ?


O'Reilly-Obama an Interrupt-a-thon?

February 8, 2011

After repeatedly interrupting the President during Fox's pre-Super Bowl interview, many are asking if Bill O'Reilly was insightful, or disrespectful.


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Was it an interview-a-thon?  Or -- an interrupt-a-thon?  Hours after the Super Bowl interview between President Barack Obama and Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, the buzz just keeps on buzzing about whether the interview was insightful or disrespectful.  First -- a taste of the interview.

OREILLY: “Then why do the majority of people in the polls not support Obamacare?”
OBAMA: “Actually, I think it’s pretty evenly...”
OREILLY: “It’s close...the majority don’t support it...
OBAMA: “It’s evenly divided Bill, and here’s what I think a lot of people saw. In the last two years at a time when people were concerned about the economy and concerned about jobs, what they saw was a lot of arguing in Congress.”

O’Reilly’s interview with President Obama covered health care, working in the Oval Office, and the President’s pick to win the Superbowl.

Predictably, perhaps, viewers had mixed reactions to the interview. The Examiner notes O’Reilly interrupted the President 22 times throughout the interview, and says--

“...O'Reilly continually cut off the President in order to ask another question, redirect the interview, or simply make a statement.  To many, O'Reilly's actions were disrespectful to Obama and, more importantly, the office of President of the United States...”

A writer for the Progressive Professor blog has a different count -- saying the president was cut-off 43 times within 15 minutes. He calls that, a clear sign of disrespect.

In an interview on Fox News Monday, Bill O’Reilly defended the interview.

BILL O’REILLY: “I got my questions in, I think I was, suitably confrontational in a friendly way. You know, I don’t like to read the blogs, because I think a lot of those people are mentally ill who write on them... those who like Obama thought that I was too intrusive and rude, and this and that, and those who hate Obama thought I was too soft on him...”

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Hermann Missouri Winemaker Interviewed in New Book 'The Vintner's Apprentice'


Missouri winemaker: Some local grape varieties make great wines

Published: Monday, February 07, 2011
By PAUL VIGNA, The Patriot-News 

Among the interviews that Chaddford's Eric Miller does with a number of national and international wine colleagues is one with winemaker/general manager Jon Held of Stone Hill Winery, in Hermann, Mo. Take a look at the website, including a picture of the caves where they store their wine. Amazing.
The interview appears in Miller's entertaining and educational "The Vintner's Apprentice," which is hitting bookstores and online shops this month. That's part of what makes the book so good. It's not only Miller pouring his heart and soul and wisdom about winemaking out, but he also talks to a number of others who has as much passion about the business and plenty of knowledge to share. And there's loads of winery eye candy, with vibrantly colored photos from all over the world.
Miller asked Held, whose winery annually produces 260,000 gallons of wine, the significance of the grape variety to those who buy his wines. His answer, well, epitomized one of the conversations I've heard fairly frequently in this region.
"With regards to our regional market," Held responded, "the grape variety is not significant if we're talking in terms of the generally accepted global varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. We have built a very solid regional business on the internationally unknown varieties: Concord, Catawba, Norton, Vignoles, Vidal, Traminette, Chambourcin and a few lesser-know grapes.

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FEMA Total Takeover of Media System, New Emergency Alert System, Twitter On Steroids, Obama Authorized

If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary.

FecderalNewsRadio interviews the FCC about the new system. 


Obama Launches Total Takeover of Media System

Kurt Nimmo
February 8, 2011

Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event.
Commissioners voted last week to require television and radio stations, cable systems and satellite TV providers to participate in a test that would have them receive and transmit a live code that includes an alert message issued by the president. No date has been set for the test, according to the Post.
Once again, the government has imposed an unreasonable and absurd mandate on business and the American people.
“The Federal Communications Commission today took action to help pave the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation’s Emergency Alert System (EAS),” the FCC announced on February 3 in a press release. “The national test will help determine the reliability of the EAS system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential danger nationwide and regionally.”
As Next Generation EAS systems become operational over the next few years, they will complement other public alert and warning systems now being developed, including FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and the Commercial Mobile Alert System that will enable consumers to receive alerts through a variety of multi-media platforms on their smart-phones, blackberries and other mobile broadband devices.
If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary.

In November, communications company Alcatel-Lucent announced that it’s creating a Broadcast Message Center that will allow government agencies to send cell phone users specific information in the event of a local, state or national emergency, including those now ubiquitous government warnings about fantastic terror plots that invariably fizzle out or are run by FBI informants and agents provocateurs. It seems not a week or two passes that some gullible Muslim is duped by the agency into a fantastic terror plot (for instance, blowing up Christmas trees).
The Broadcast Message Center is designed to force mobile phone manufacturers to adopt the Federal Communication Commission’s Commercial Mobile Alert System. Under the new system, all phones would receive emergency alerts directly from government bureaucrats.

In addition to your cell phone, the government wants to take control of your internet broadband in the event another phony terror attack threatens the homeland.

The system would break into your computer or wireless device and broadcast presidential propaganda announcements, FEMA reports, so-called “Imminent Threat Alerts,” and AMBER Alerts. 

Earlier this month, DHS unveiled a new terror alert system that will hijack social networking sites as one way of informing people of terrorist threat updates. “The new, two-tiered system will provide alerts that are more specific to the threat and even recommend certain actions or suggest that people look for specific suspicious behavior, she said. They also may be limited to a particular audience — such as law enforcement — rather than broadcast to the general public, and also will have a specified end date,” reported Information Week Government.
In December, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano  announced the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country — launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in informing on each other. Thousands of Wamart stores will have telescreens pumping out government propaganda.

FEMA is also working on a new system that would send emergency alerts as text messages to wireless phone users. The system is still about two years away from full implementation, according to the agency.
CMAS is slated to begin deployment in April 2012.

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