Thursday, February 10, 2011

Egypt, Mubarak Refuses to Resign , VP Tells Protesters to "go home"


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Mubarak Vows to Stay On, Cedes Some Power

By: with Wires

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Thursday, 10 Feb 2011

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, rebuffing demands that he step down immediately, said Thursday he will stay in office until the September elections but will transfer power to the country's newly-appointed vice president.

In a TV address that failed to meet demands by protesters for him to resign, Mubarak, 82, appeared to hand over the reins of power to his deputy, Omar Suleiman, a former intelligence chief trusted by Washington.
Protesters in central Cairo's Tahrir Square waved their shoes in dismay at the speech, shouting: "Down, Down, Hosni Mubarak," enraged by the fact that the president had not stepped down.
"He doesn't seem to understand the magnitude of what is happening in Egypt," said Alanoud Al Sharek, Senior Fellow, Regional Politics, International Institute For Strategic Studies-Middle East. "At this point I don't think it will suffice."
Marc Ginsberg, former ambassador to Morocco, told CNBC that Mubarak's decision to opt for "creeping power-sharing" with his vice president had surprised most Egypt-watchers, including the White House, who had expected an outright resignation.
"Based on what happened today, it looks like the protestors ... essentially confronted a president who threw more flames on the fire. And they're setting up tomorrow for major demonstrations, perhaps on the presidential palace.
"That sets up a potential confrontation between the military and the protestors, the very confrontation that I had thought earlier in the day that the military wanted to avoid."
Egypt's military said last week that it was unwilling to fire on protestors. Egyptian military officials also have given the White House private assurances that troops would not use deadly force against civilians, a U.S. official told NBC News.
Mubarak's decision is likely to exacerbate worries among investors, an economist said.
It "was the worst message the international investor community could have expected to receive," said John Sfakianakis, chief economist at the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-based Banque Saudi Fransi.
Immediately after Mubarak's speech, Vice President Suleiman called on the protesters to "go home" and asked Egyptians to "unite and look to the future."
The pair of addresses followed a series of dramatic events Thursday evening that had raised expectations Mubarak was about to announce his resignation.
In a surprise step, the military announced on state TV that its Supreme Council was in permanent session in scenes that suggested the armed forces were taking control, perhaps to ensure Mubarak goes.
The top general for the Cairo area told protesters in the square that "all their demands" would be satisfied, and the protesters lifted him on their shoulders, believing that meant the end of Mubarak's nearly 30-year authoritarian rule.
Instead, Mubarak went on the air several hours later, delivering a 10-minute address that suggested little has changed.

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Old Jail Cells To Be Removed From Courthouse, Gasconade County, Hermann, Missouri


The small jail facility on the first floor of the Gasconade County Courthouse in Hermann is set to be removed.  The Gasconade County Commission voted unanimously (3-0)  to remove the old jail cells from the courthouse since the jail was not an original part of the building and there is no significant historical value to the decrepit facility.  No time-table was set for the removal but at least one Commissioner will be volunteering in the demolition.

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Ameren Missouri Labadie plant 15th Largest Polluter Nationwide, in Franklin County MO: REPORT STATES


Report: Missouri 11th in mercury emissions; Illinois is 7th

BY Jeffrey Tomich -
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ameren Missouri's Labadie plant in Franklin County was the 15th-largest emitter of mercury among 451 coal-fired power plants nationwide in 2009, according to a report by Environment Missouri.
Overall, Missouri ranked 11th in the nation in mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants in 2009. Illinois was 7th
Emissions data is from the Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory, an online database of pollutants released annually.
The EPA is set to issue standards next month that would significantly limit mercury emissions from power plants. The report is meant to push the agency to follow through with regulations in the face of political pressure and opposition from industry.

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Egypt's Mubarak to Resign Tonight, Sources Say VP Will Take Over LIVE STREAMING VIDEO


Egypt's Mubarak to step down, sources say

NBC News is told VP will take over; protesters and opposition fear a military coup

NBC, and news services

 Feb 10, 2011

Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is to step down tonight, two sources have told NBC News, losing his 30-year grip on power after 17 days of mass uprisings across the country.

NBC's Richard Engel reported that a high-ranking source inside the president's office said the newly appointed vice president, Omar Suleiman, would take over. This was confirmed by a second source.
State television reported that country's supreme military council had expressed its "support of the legitimate demands" of the protesters after an all-day meeting. The latest developments came on the heels of repeated warnings by members of the regime of a military crackdown or coup.
Some pro-democracy protesters reacted cautiously to the reports Mubarak was leaving, saying they would only believe them if and when he announced his departure on television.
President Barack Obama urged people to "wait and see."

State TV said Mubarak would speak to the nation Thursday night from his palace in Cairo and showed footage of the president meeting with Suleiman. It said the meeting was continuing Thursday.

There were unconfirmed reports that Mubarak had left Cairo for the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh or gone overseas, but sources told NBC News he was still in the capital.

Eyewitnesses told NBC News that Mubarak's residence was sealed off by tanks, troops and razor wire.

'Safeguard the nation'
The Associated Press reported that Mubarak was not present at Thursday's supreme council meeting, despite being the commander in chief of Egypt's armed forces. Suleiman, a former army general and intelligence chief named to his post after the protests erupted Jan. 25, also was not there.
Live blog: Police prepare for announcement

A spokesman read a statement that the council was in permanent session to explore "what measures and arrangements could be made to safeguard the nation, its achievements and the ambitions of its great people."

The statement was labeled "communique number 1," a phrasing that The Associated Press said suggested a military coup could be under way.


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Foreclosure Filings Climb 16 pct. in Missouri, St. Louis Area


St. Louis-area foreclosure filings climb in January

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The number of St. Louis-area homeowners facing foreclosure swung back up in January, after two months when banks put on the brakes.
Filings of foreclosure sales and repossessions in the region were up 10 percent from December to January, and ran 16 percent ahead of last January's clip, according to new numbers this morning from RealtyTrac.
The real estate data firm reports that 1,688 local homes were either set for a foreclosure auction or repossessed in the month. That's below the record pace set for much of last year, though more than were filed last January.

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Christina Aguilera Offered 'Minor League' Gig, National Anthem Singer for The Brooklyn Cyclones


Christina Aguilera Offered Second Chance to Sing 'Star Spangled Banner' at Minor League Game


Christina Aguilera has been offered a second chance at singing "The Star Spangled Banner," after her Super Bowl XLV blunder, reports the Baltimore Sun.
The Brooklyn Cyclones, a minor league baseball team, extended an offer to the Grammy award winning singer and New York native, giving her a chance to perform before a home game this summer, reports ABC.
In a press statement, released on Tuesday, the team said they would provide Aguilera with a copy of "The Star Spangled Banner." Adding that although players usually don’t get a chance at redeeming themselves, it’s a different story for singers, said the Cyclones' manager.
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Puppet Obama Yields To Saudis King Abdullah 'not to humiliate Mr Mubarak'

Exclusive: Saudis told Obama to back Mubarak
Hugh Tomlinson Riyadh
February 10 2011 

Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt. In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually. America’s closest ally in the Gulf made clear that the Egyptian President must be allowed to stay on to oversee the transition towards peaceful democracy and then leave with dignity. “Mubarak and King Abdullah are not just allies, they are close friends..."

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Armageddon Date, April 13, 2036, Asteroid 99942 Apophis May Hit Earth Say Russian Scientists


Asteroid Apophis - we know when it will hit, say Russian scientists. If it hits...

  • From:

  • February 10, 2011

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    GOT your bucket list ready? The date for Armageddon has been set, and it's not going to happen in 2012.
    That's according to Russian scientists who claim they know the exact day asteroid Apophis is most likely to hit the Earth.
    If you were born on April 13, plan your biggest party for the year 2036.
    "Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometers on April 13, 2029," Professor Leonid Sokolov of the St. Petersburg State University told Ria Novosti.
    "Its likely collision with Earth may occur on April 13, 2036."
    You might have noticed he used the word "may".
    Asteroid 99942 Apophis was first discovered to be in the Earth's impact zone back in 2004, and at roughly 300m wide, is estimated to be able to hit the Earth with the force equivalent to somewhere around two Krakatoas.
    More sketchy science puts Australia well out of the path of possible destruction - Apophis could land anywhere in a streak that runs from the Middle East through the tip of South America to the west coast of Africa, according to a paper delivered to the 2007 Planetary Defense Conference.
    Which is not to say we won't feel its impact. A simulation tool devised by the University of Southampton in the UK shows that, depending on where it hits, it could cause up to 10 million deaths.
    There's several reasons not to panic, though.
    One is the fact that it will probably break up and smaller bits of it will bombard the Earth over the next few years.
    The other is that we've got a bit of warning.
    In 2029, when it swings close by the Earth, we'll find out whether Apophis has nailed a gravitational keyhole that will drag it into our orbit seven years later.
    The gap is just 600m wide, so there's a fair chance it won't happen.
    "If it goes through what we call a keyhole during that close Earth approach (in 2029) ... then it will indeed be perturbed just right so that it will come back and smack Earth on April 13, 2036," Donald Yeomans, head of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office, told The Christian Science Monitor, before adding that the chance was "minuscule".
    But that slight chance it will happen - at one stage predicted to be somewhere in the two to three per cent range - is enough to get at least the Russians working on a solution.


     02/ 9/2011

    Doomsday Apophis asteroid? Could the Earth be on a collision course?

    By Melissa Bell

    A new report from Russia seems to indicate that the Mayans were off by just 24 years. According to Russian scientists, in the year 2036, the Apophis asteroid and the Earth may have a date to meet.
    The report came from UPI, saying that Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University estimated the asteroid will hit the planet on April 13, 2036. The asteroid has made headlines before as scientists have been keeping a wary eye on the rock two football fields in size hurtling through space since its discovery in 2004.
    But, much like the Zodiac panic of 2011, the asteroid news may be creating a ruckus for nothing. NASA says the likelihood of a collision is only 1-in-250,000.




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    Rent Deposits May Go Up, Landlord Lawmakers Seek to Raise Renter Deposits, Missoury House Judiciary Committee Approves Plan for Consideration


    Cost of security deposits could rise for Missouri renters

     Wednesday, February 9, 2011
    BY Christi Warren

    JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri renters could be charged higher security deposit fees under a bill approved by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
    The bill, proposed by Rep. David Sater, R-Cassville, would increase the amount a landlord can demand at the outset of a leasing agreement.
    The current statute allows a landlord to ask for no more than two months' rent. The proposed bill increases the limit to no more than three months' rent.
    Rep. Jason Kander, D-Kansas City, accused the bill's sponsor of a "conflict of interest," pointing out that Sater and a number of other committee members own rental property.
    Kander, noting his own status as a landlord, said to avoid such a conflict, should he have supported the bill, his vote would have been "present" or a non-vote. He asked the committee to follow suit and instead of voting for their own financial concerns, to consider those of their tenants.
    "In a time when it's not great economic times, it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me that we would take steps to make it more difficult for folks to be able to afford a place to live," Kander said.

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    Does this sound like a conflict of interest by landlord House Judiciary Committee members?
    Times are tough, why are they not working on things that will help improve Missouri's Economy, like more jobs, instead of their own self interest? 


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