Saturday, February 26, 2011

FBI Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending February 25, 2011

Washington, D.C.      FBI National Press Office
February 25, 2011_________________________________________________________________________

  1. Dallas: Texas Resident Arrested on Charge of Attempted Use of Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and resident of Lubbock, Texas, was arrested by FBI agents on a federal charge of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his alleged purchase of chemicals and equipment necessary to make an improvised explosive device and his research of potential U.S. targets. Full Story
  2. Washington Field Office: Virginia Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Providing Material Support and Encouraging Violent Jihadists to Kill U.S. Citizens

    Zachary Adam Chesser, of Fairfax County, Virginia, was sentenced to 25 years in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, for communicating threats against the writers of the South Park television show, soliciting violent jihadists to desensitize law enforcement, and attempting to provide material support to al Shabaab, a designated foreign terrorist organization. Full Story

  3. Boston: Four Plead Guilty as Charged in North Providence Extortion and Bribery Cases

    Three former North Providence town councilmen and a North Providence businessman pled guilty to their roles in four extortion and bribery schemes. In addition, the defendants are jointly liable to forfeit $46,000, representing the total amount of bribe money received. Full Story
  4. Atlanta: APS Healthcare Pays $13 Million to Settle False Claims Act Case

    Innovative Resources Group, LLC, doing business as APS Healthcare Midwest, reached a $13 million settlement with the United States and the state of Georgia to resolve allegations under the False Claims Act. The government alleges that APS Healthcare submitted false claims to Medicaid through the Georgia Department of Community Health for not providing specialty services related to disease management and case management to members of the Georgia Medicaid Management Program during the period from September 1, 2007 through February 28, 2010. Full Story
  5. Minneapolis: Texas Man Pleads Guilty to Hacking into Computer Servers of Local Company and NASA

    Jeremy Parker, a 26-year-old Texas man, pled guilty to one count of wire fraud and to hacking into computer networks at a Minnesota business and at NASA. Full Story
  6. Jacksonville: Horizon Lines LLC Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing on Coastal Water Freight Services Between the Continental United States and Puerto Rico

    Horizon Lines LLC has agreed to plead guilty and pay a $45 million criminal fine for its role in a conspiracy to fix prices in the coastal water freight transportation industry. Full Story
  7. Philadelphia: Fourteen Charged in Drug Distribution Conspiracy

    A second superseding indictment was unsealed against 14 Lancaster, Pennsylvania residents. The defendants were charged with conspiracy to distribute 280 grams or more of cocaine base and five kilograms or more of cocaine, and related drug and firearms offenses. Full Story

  8. Charlotte: Woman Pleads Guilty to Health Care Fraud, Money Laundering, and Failure to File Tax Returns

    Sarah Lavonne Willis agreed to enter a guilty plea to federal charges which were filed in November 2010 alleging health care fraud, money laundering, and failure to file tax returns. Full Story
  9. Detroit: Romeo Home Builder Gets Jail Time in Mortgage Fraud Scheme

    Giuseppe Cracchiolo was sentenced to six months in prison for his role in a mortgage fraud scheme, followed by three years' supervised release. Cracchiolo was also ordered to serve an additional six months' home confinement and pay restitution of $1,654,500. Full Story
  1. New Orleans: Former Harahan Police Officer Charged with Obtaining Property by Fraud

    Carol Ney, a resident of Kenner, Louisiana, was charged in a one-count bill of information with obtaining property by fraud concerning programs receiving federal funds. Full Story

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Governors Ask Feds Don't Undermine Our Recovery


Govs to feds: Avoid causing states any more pain

By LIZ SIDOTI | AP National Political Writer St. Louis Post-Dispatch
February 26, 2011

WASHINGTON -- Their states on the brink of financial catastrophe, governors pleaded Saturday for the divided federal government to avoid doing anything that would hamper the tenuous economic recovery back home.
Their message to Washington: prevent a government shutdown, abstain from spending cuts that dramatically will affect states and end even preliminary discussions about allowing states to declare bankruptcy.
"Anything that Congress does that will undermine our recovery is quite troublesome to us," said Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire, head of the National Governors Association, as she opened the bipartisan group's winter meeting. "We're asking for cooperation."
"We don't need a hiccup now in our recovery," she added. "We are fragile."
States have made $75 billion in budget cuts and raised taxes by $33 billion over the past two years to make up for budget shortfalls caused by the recession. Governors drained reserve cash funds and oversaw several rounds of severe budget cuts, so much so that Republicans and Democrats alike now are focused on how to completely remake state governments.
The overall economic situation in states is improving.
"Recovering, not recovered," as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a Democrat, put it.
High unemployment persists. Even more dire budget situations are to come.
Over the next two-and-a-half years, states face an estimated $175 billion more in budget gaps that they have no choice but to fill. The hole is caused partly because an initial infusion of cash from President Barack Obama's economic stimulus law, as well as extensions of that money, will dry up in June. States received $103 billion in Medicaid money and $48 billion in education dollars to soften the recession's blow.
Gregoire and the NGA's vice chairman, Gov. Dave Heineman, R-Neb., recently met with House and Senate leaders as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and asked them to be mindful of how the loss of the money, as well as further spending cuts, could hurt states.
The warnings come just as the Commerce Department reported that state and local responses to the fiscal crisis were undercutting the national recovery, slowing economic growth. Governors said the report only proved their point.
"For two years, governors have said when we cut we impact the recovery," said Gregoire. "We know we have to make the cuts, but we can ill afford to have Congress on top of that cutting us more because the result will slow the recovery in our home states and in the nation."
Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe, a Democrat, noted that unlike the federal government, states are required to balance their budgets. Noting the painful cuts, he said, "We don't have any choice."

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MISSOURI PROTEST: Unions, Tea Party Groups Rally at Statehouse

Feb. 26, 2011 -- Supporters of protesters in Wisconsin gather on the north side of the capital building in Jefferson City, Mo. Hundreds of union supporters and Tea Party members held small but raucous demonstrations at the Missouri statehouse. (AP/News Tribune/Deborah Cote) 

Mo. unions, tea party groups rally at Statehouse

By WES DUPLANTIER | Associated Press St. Louis Post-Dispatch |
February 26, 2011

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Hundreds of union supporters and tea party members held small but raucous demonstrations at the Missouri Statehouse on Saturday, arguing both sides of the collective bargaining issue that has sparked much larger protests in Wisconsin over the past week.
The rally was part of a nationwide effort by labor and political groups to show solidarity with protesters in Wisconsin, where Republican Gov. Scott Walker is backing legislation that would strip unions of most of their collective bargaining rights. About 300 demonstrators in Jefferson City waved signs and shouted slogans like "Solidarity!" and "Power to the people!" in support of union membership and bargaining.
"I'm not part of a union, but I believe that people should have the right to assemble and bargain collectively for what's fair," said Dean Andersen, who lives in Columbia and is a health educator at the University of Missouri.
Bill Schwulst, of Milwaukee, Wis., told the crowd he had been at protests in Wisconsin over the past week. He said other unions, including those that represent police officers and snow plow drivers, had expressed anger with Walker's bill.
"You know you're in trouble when you've got the police officers, and fire departments and snow plow drivers going against you in Wisconsin," he said through a bullhorn while standing on a stone bench with several other speakers.
Some in the crowd wore patriotic top hats and caps shaped like wedges of cheese - a nod to Wisconsin, of course. Several times during the rally, the crowd broke into song, even delivering a rendition of "On, Wisconsin!"
On the south side of the Capitol, about 200 tea party supporters held a counterprotest in favor of the Wisconsin bill and also touched on the broader federal budget issue and where they think cuts can be made.
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7600 Jobs Added in Missouri for January 2011 Unemployment Rate Held Steady


Missouri gained 7,600 jobs in January

Feb 25, 2011

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (AP) - A new report says Missouri recorded a net gain of roughly 7,600 jobs last month while the state's unemployment rate held steady.
The Missouri Department of Economic Development reported Friday that the January jobless rate was 9.6 percent, the same as December's figure.
The agency says jobs were added last month in several sectors, with the biggest gains in manufacturing, retail trade and financial activities. The increases were partly offset by sizable declines in the construction and information sectors.

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Missouri First in Nation Meth Lab Incidents Highway Patrol says

Some common ingredients used in the manufacturing of methamphetamine.

Missouri leads the nation in meth lab incidents, Highway Patrol says

 St. Louis Post-Dispatch 
February 26, 2011

Missouri led the nation in the seizure of methamphetamine labs and other meth lab incidents, the Missouri Highway Patrol said Friday.

"Once again, Missouri has the unfortunate distinction of being the leader in meth lab seizures, despite the hard work of the state's drug task forces and all law enforcement," said Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol in a statement.

In 2010, law enforcement reported 1,960 incidents, up 10 percent from 2009. Jefferson County led the state, with 228 incidents, followed by Franklin and Washington counties, with 106 and 103, respectively. St. Charles County had 90 and St. Louis County had 74. There were four incidents in St. Louis.

Incidents include the seizure of equipment, working or non-working labs and the discovery of laboratory dump sites.

Tennessee is second in the nation, with 1,197 incidents, according to Drug Enforcement Administration data, followed by Kentucky, Mississippi and Michigan, with 672. Illinois had 338 incidents as of October. Complete numbers for the state were not immediately available Saturday.

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Crystal Meth / Methamphetamine / Ice/ Go/ Crank/  - Educational Video PSA



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Wentzville R-IV School District Named in Law Suit 11.5 million over Sex Abuse by former Music Teacher

Michael D. Williams - prison photo

New suit filed over sex abuse by former Wentzville music teacher

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 
February 26, 2011

ST. LOUIS • A former student of a Wentzville music teacher currently serving a 25-year prison term for sexually abusing students filed a federal civil suit this week in St. Louis, saying that she was also abused.
The former student, identified only as "Mary Doe" in the suit, was 11 when the alleged abuse happened in a classroom at Wentzville East Elementary School. She is now 28, suffering from severe psychiatric disorders that prevented her from discussing or even recalling the abuse, the suit says.
The lawsuit says that former music teacher Michael D. Williams molested and raped her multiple times in his classroom during lunch, and was even interrupted by another teacher the first time it happened.
School officials ignored parental complaints and failed to supervise Williams, the suit says.
In addition to Williams, the suit names the Wentzville R-IV School District, former principal Richard Beauchamp and the former teacher who interrupted, who is only partially identified in the suit. It asks for $11.5 million.
Williams, now 43, is currently in Missouri's Southeast Correctional Center after pleading guilty to four counts of first-degree statutory rape and 13 counts of first-degree statutory sodomy.
In 2004 as part of a different federal suit, Williams was ordered to pay $1 million to two victims and his wife, Becky Williams, was ordered to pay $325,000. Eight students reached confidential settlements with the district.

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Gas Prices Rise 17 cents in a Week Expected to Go Higher


Gas prices surge 17 cents in a week

By Ben Rooney, staff reporter


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Gas prices have increased 17 cents a gallon in the past week. And analysts expect prices to continue higher, following a sharp rise in the price of crude oil.

The national average price for a gallon of regular gas rose 4.6 cents to $3.33, motorist group AAA said Saturday. That marks the fourth day in a row that prices have risen, and brings the national average to the highest level since October 2008.

Gas prices were highest in Hawaii, where drivers paid $3.761 a gallon, on average. Wyoming had the lowest gas prices at roughly, $3.032 a gallon.

Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service, said gas prices' 6-cent jump reported Friday was the largest one-day increase since at least 2008.

"This will definitely be the most expensive February ever," he said, adding that gas prices are typically lower during the winter months.
How gas spikes 6 cents in a day

The jump in pump prices follows a surge in prices for crude oil, the main ingredient in gasoline. Oil prices spiked 9% last week, a week that included a high of $103 a barrel -- the highest since October 2008.

Analysts expect prices to continue rising over the next few days, since gas prices typically lag trends in the oil market.

The spike in oil last week could translate to an increase in gas prices of 37 cents per gallon in the coming weeks, according Moody's Analytics economist Chris Lafakis. He estimates that for every $1 increase in the price of oil, retail gas prices typically rise 2.5 cents a gallon.

Economists warn that an energy price shock could hurt the economic recovery in the United States. In general, every $1 increase in the price of oil costs consumers $1 billion over the course of a year.

That's concerning because consumer spending makes up the bulk of U.S. gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic growth.

Oil prices have been driven higher by political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, where much of the world's oil comes from. Despite the surge in prices this week, the amount of oil that has been taken off the world market has been relatively minimal

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UPDATE:San Fransisco Snow Watch 2011 Last Measurable Amount 35 Years 1976

Feb. 26, 2011

A facebook friend, from the "bay area," has informed Poor Richard of the following:

San Francisco got a dusting of snow this morning, and those who were up at 6 am saw it. If you got up at 6:15, it was gone already.

Snow watch for San Francisco, parts of L.A. as cold storm moves in

February 25, 2011
A new storm combined with unusually cold temperatures could drop the snow level to below 1,000 feet, bringing yet another round of this year's strange winter weather in Southern California.
Forecasters said the storm could produce snow in San Francisco for the first time in 35 years.
In Southern California, mountain areas could see up to 2 feet of snow, and foothill areas could receive 6 inches of rain.
The National Weather Service said scattered showers should arrive Friday afternoon, with more intense rain occurring Friday night and Saturday morning. [Updated at 9:10 a.m.: Some light rain was already falling in parts of Long Beach and the Orange County coast on Friday morning.]
Scattered showers and cold temperatures are expected to continue Saturday. Forecasters said lows will drop into the low 40s in the L.A. basin and low 30s in mountain areas. Saturday is when snow levels are expected to drop the most.

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Hermann Boys Basketball Bearcats Edges Wright City 43-41

Hermann edges Wright City
02/25 - Philip Wright posted 10 points and 12 rebounds to propel Hermann past visiting Wright City 43-41 Friday. Also finishing in double figures for Hermann was Craig Winkelmann with 16 points. Michael Abrolat was the leading scorer for Wright City with 13 points and Brandon Bote added 11. The other leading rebounder for Hermann was Jackson Logan (8). Hermann (13-12) goes on the road to play Southern Boone on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Wright City (5-18) visits Centralia MO on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.

2nd win in a row!!!


Hermann Bearcats Boys Basketball
176 Bearcat Crossing
Hermann, MO 65041-9753
School Website


Schedule | Roster | Overall Stats | League Stats | Stories | Four Rivers

. Date

. Fri, 12/3/2010
7:30 p.m.


vs. South Callaway

W 62-48
. Mon, 12/6/2010
7:30 p.m.


at Linn

L 53-57
. Fri, 12/10/2010
7:30 p.m.


at Fatima

W 47-44
. Tue, 12/14/2010
7:30 p.m.


at St. Clair (2-5, 10-14)

L 35-43
. Fri, 12/17/2010
7:30 p.m.


vs. Union (1-6, 7-16)

W 52-27
. Mon, 12/20/2010
7 p.m.


at Warrenton (0-4, 5-18)

L 45-63
. Tue, 1/4/2011
6 p.m.


vs. Cuba at Owensville

W 85-53
. Thu, 1/6/2011
6 p.m.


at Owensville (5-2, 14-10)

W 38-30
. Fri, 1/7/2011
8 p.m.


vs. Sullivan (4-3, 12-11) at Owensville

W 42-40
. Thu, 1/13/2011
8:30 p.m.


vs. Russellville at S. CallawayMS

W 60-37
. Fri, 1/14/2011
5:30 p.m.


vs. Harrisburg, MO at S.Callaway

W 74-73
. Sat, 1/15/2011
5:30 p.m.


vs. New Haven (6-1, 20-3) at S.Callaway

L 29-38
. Tue, 1/18/2011
7:30 p.m.


vs. Chamois

W 48-40
. Tue, 1/25/2011
7:30 p.m.


vs. Warrenton (0-4, 5-18) at Hermann

W 54-47
. Thu, 1/27/2011
6 p.m.


vs. New Haven (6-1, 20-3) at Hermann

L 25-38
. Sat, 1/29/2011
5:30 p.m.


vs. Chamois

W 48-42
. Sat, 2/5/2011
5 p.m.


vs. Blair Oaks

L 49-57
. Tue, 2/8/2011
7:30 p.m.


vs. New Haven (6-1, 20-3)

L 37-39
. Thu, 2/10/2011
8 p.m.


at Sullivan (4-3, 12-11)

L 39-48
. Fri, 2/11/2011
7:30 p.m.


at Pacific (5-2, 14-11)

L 31-70
. Tue, 2/15/2011
7:30 p.m.


at St. James (4-3, 12-11)

L 39-59
. Fri, 2/18/2011
7:30 p.m.


vs. Owensville (5-2, 14-10)

L 34-43
. Sat, 2/19/2011
7 p.m.


at Borgia (0-0, 16-8)

L 36-76

. Tue, 2/22/2011
7:30 p.m.


at Montgomery County

W 57-42
. Fri, 2/25/2011
7:30 p.m.


vs. Wright City (3-8, 5-16)

W 43-41
. Tue, 3/1/2011
5:30 p.m.


vs. Southern Boone at TBD


**Boxscore final shows Hermann score first.

All information is as reported by the teams as of 2/26/2011.


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Lady Gaga Loses Most Liked Artist on Facebook Title


The Most Liked Artist on Facebook? Lady Gaga Loses Title

Feb 25 2011 
by: Dan Evon

Lady Gaga is no longer the most liked artist on Facebook. Lady Gaga recently lost the title to Eminem.
Eminem is now the most liked artist on Facebook, with 28,883,000 likes. Lady Gaga is a close second, with 28,872,000.
Eminem has been a lot more active with social media lately, and according to Fame Count, has gathered close to a half million fans just this week.
Lady Gaga still has Eminem beat in terms of Twitter followers and Youtube views, however.
But neither Lady Gaga nor Eminem can truly claim the most liked artist on Facebook title. That honor is reserved for the late Michael Jackson, who is still the King of Facebook (and the King of Pop) with 29.1 million likes. But at the rate of Eminem’s growing social media popularity, Michael Jackson could soon give up that crown.

Lady Gaga is no longer the most liked artist on Facebook. Lady Gaga recently lost the title to Eminem.
Eminem is now the most liked artist on Facebook, with 28,883,000 likes. Lady Gaga is a close second, with 28,872,000.
Eminem has been a lot more active with social media lately, and according to Fame Count, has gathered close to a half million fans just this week.
Lady Gaga still has Eminem beat in terms of Twitter followers and Youtube views, however.
But neither Lady Gaga nor Eminem can truly claim the most liked artist on Facebook title. That honor is reserved for the late Michael Jackson, who is still the King of Facebook (and the King of Pop) with 29.1 million likes. But at the rate of Eminem’s growing social media popularity, Michael Jackson could soon give up that crown.

[Source: Fame Count]
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