Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Final Landing Space Shuttle Discovery Retirement NASA’s Oldest Most-Flown Spacecraft


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Space Shuttle Discovery Retires: End of an Era?

March 9, 2011

Space Shuttle Discovery makes its final landing, marking the beginning of retirement for NASA's shuttles.


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Space shuttle Discovery touched down for the last time Wednesday, wrapping up another chapter of U.S. space travel. NASA’s oldest and most-flown spacecraft ends its career with 148 million miles and 365 days spent in space.

As the shuttles start to roll into retirement, it’s hard for astronauts to keep back the emotions. Current astronauts of STS-133 mission tell Orlando’s WFTV, the Discovery will be hard to leave behind.

“After we land, that will be the time where we’ll reflect. I suspect, seated on the runway, I’ll be sitting in my seat when we do the last switch throw and it’s time for me to get out and I don’t think I’m going to want leave my seat.”

With the Discovery heading for retirement, NASA’s future plans for space exploration are still up in the air. Former NASA Astronaut Bob Springer, who flew on the shuttle in 1989, tells CNN how NASA needs to rediscover its identity before it can move forward.

BOB SPRINGER: “This is a difficult time, you know,  and it’s still a little bit incomprehensible to me that we’re shutting down one program before we have another viable program online. Where of course, NASA is struggling to reidentify itself and find out exactly where NASA want to go in the future.”

The future of where the shuttles will go is also in the dark. A widespread assumption is they’ll end up in the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum near Virginia, but museum spokesperson Brian Mulen told MSNBC, NASA has yet to make a decision.

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Red Light Camera Era Over For Washington Missouri


Some Washington-area drivers and those just driving through may have been ignoring flashes from the city's two red light cameras because of belief the cameras are unconstitutional, or simply a money grab by the city. Now, those drivers have the permission of Police Chief Ken Hahn to continue ignoring them.
Effective Tuesday, Mar. 8, Washington police are now longer issuing tickets from the cameras, Chief Hahn told KLPW. Hahn said the cameras, owned by American Traffic Solutions (ATS), were still up, but said he did not know if they were operational. If drivers see a flash from the cameras, Hahn advised them to simply ignore it.
The city's contract with ATS expired Tuesday, and per a January decision by city council members, will not be renewed.
Since the installation of the cameras in 2008, the city has come under intense criticism from some local drivers. Their critical comments are shared by some state lawmakers, who wish to ban cities from using the devices. St. Louis Republican Senator Jim Lembke sponsors a bill that would prohibit the cameras' use. That bill has not yet been voted on by the full Senate.
Washington's cameras, the only two of their kind in Franklin County, are located at the intersections of Route 100/Highway 47, and Rte. 100/Rte. A.

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Lindsay Lohan Allegedly Steal Surveillance Footage VIDEO Jimmy Kimmel Skit



Move over Billy Blanks, Jimmy Kimmel is in the house and his new 'Humpilates' is all the rage.

This time around it was Lindsay Lohan who took the spotlight along with an impressive cast of hard bodied Hollywood babes.

Making cameos in the video are Kelly Ripa, Minka Kelly, Emily Blunt, Jessica Alba, Sofia Vergara and Jessica Biel. Stella lineup, Jimmy K, simply stellar.

In the infomercial parody Kimmel states, "The Jimmy K program is so affordable, it's practically a steal." Lilo chimes in, "Allegedly" while grinning smugly.

While Lohan has been famous for getting a good laugh at her own expense, maybe she should be taking the potential jail time a little more seriously. Lohan is currently being charged with felony theft for walking out of a Venice Beach jewelry shop wearing a $2,500 necklace.



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YouTube Merger Next New Networks - Hopes to Improve Video Content, focus on providing tools and resources for semi-professional video producers


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YouTube’s New Merger Aims to Help Aspiring Producers

March 9, 2011

Youtube announces a partnership with Next New Networks. Will this be a positive change for the site or the end to an access-to-all era?


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Next New Networks COO Liam Collins has a reason to be dancing in his seat - or on the conference table - the web video start-up announced a partnership with Google-owned video giant YouTube - to form YouTube Next.
Video: Beet.TV
On YouTube’s blog, Tom Pickett wrote that the partnership will not be focused on creating content. Instead it will focus on providing tools and resources for semi-professional video producers to develop higher quality videos - and reach a larger audience.
Started four years ago, Next New Networks, originally created in house productions - but then started promoting user-generated content.  The Los Angeles Times reports on Next New Networks’ transition - and how it allowed them to be successful.

“ the last 18 months, the company shifted its focus to outside talent, including music video DJ Mike Realm and the Gregory Brothers band. It has a stable of 75 video creators. The shift also helped the 17-person company become profitable at the end of 2010.”
YouTube’s acquisition comes after an effort to increase the quality of content on its site. In the past, YouTube partnerships have created a win-win situation for both parties. A writer for explains the benefits of these types of partnerships.

“For some people, the partnership can be big business. YouTube recently said it is running ads on videos more than 3 billion times a week, an increase of 50 percent over last summer.”

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East Central College Tuition Increase This Fall 2011 Up 7.5 pct


East Central College trustees approved the college's first tuition increase in six years Monday night, citing an expected decrease in state aid, and a reduction in federal funding for career and technical education.

Effective this fall, in-district tuition will rise $5, to $66 per credit hour. Out-of-district tuition will climb $7, to $94 per credit hour. Tuition for out-of-state students will increase $10, to $141 per credit hour, while international students will pay $11 more than they are now, at $152 per credit hour.

"ECC currently has the lowest tuition of any college or university in Missouri," said Dr. Jon Bauer, Vice President for Finance and Administration. "We believe that will remain the case even after this increase."

The tuition increase should generate an estimated $460,000 in general revenue, according to Bauer. That should offset an estimated $380,000 reduction in state aid. The college will also have to deal with increased costs for retirement and utilities in the upcoming fiscal year, according to a release from East Central.

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Libya Gaddafi Bombs Rebels 7 air-strikes Ras Lanouf VIDEO Plane Shot Down by Rebels


[LIBYA] Plane Shot Down by Rebels in Eastern Libya, F24 06.03.2011



Desperate Gaddafi launches SEVEN air strikes as rebel leader gives tyrant 72 hours to step down with immunity

By Daily Mail Reporter
 8th March 2011
  • Rebels return fire with hand guns and rifles from ground positions
  • Gaddafi wrests back Zawiya, nearest city to Tripoli
  • Rebel leader: 'If Gaddafi leaves now we won't pursue him'
  • Witness says Gaddafi tanks in Zawiya roaming streets, firing on homes
Libyan warplanes bombarded a rebel stronghold with seven air-strikes as desperate Colonel Gaddafi tried to prevent them closing in on his Tripoli safe haven.
The assaults came as rebel leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil gave Gaddafi 72 hours to step down and leave Libya.
The head of the rebel National Libyan Council said: 'If he leaves Libya immediately, during 72 hours, and stops the bombardment, we as Libyans will step back from pursuing him for crimes.'
He said the deadline would not be extended beyond 72 hours.

. Click Here to Read More.



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