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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Despite massive protests, US Senate passes S 510 Food Safety Bill
Mike Adams
November 30, 2010
The new Food Tyranny Act — called the “Food Safety Modernization Act” in the U.S. Senate — has been passed by the senate today. It would give the FDA vast ew powers to criminalize and imprison farmers and food producers while doing absolutely nothing to address to real root of the food contamination problem: Factory animal farm operations (which are regulated under the USDA, not the FDA).
The bill passed 73 to 25, with Sen Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) emerging as the greatest “voice of reason” in the debate. His last-ditch amendment to reduce the scale of the bill was defeated this morning.
Here’s the official vote record:…
Notably, there wasn’t a single Democrat who opposed the bill.
This bill, as originally written, would have outlawed most nutritional supplements through “harmonization” with European laws. It also would have authorized ten-year prison sentences for farmers selling raw milk to their neighbors. Both of those provisions were eventually stripped out of the bill thanks to some last-minute amendments, but it gives you an idea of the outright police state mentality of the original bill authors who attempted to put in place complete government control over food, gardens, raw milk and more.
To give you an idea of how clueless U.S. Senators are about food, the New York Times is reporting that when Senate staff members met to discuss this bill, they would eat Starburst candies and jellybeans. As the NYT reports, “In the midst of negotiations, the negotiators — nearly all women — took a field trip to a nearby food market so that a Republican staff member could teach the Democrats how to buy high-quality steaks.”
So what we have here is a new food tyranny law that was essentially negotiated by a group of women who eat dead foods, animals products and candy.
No wonder they still don’t get it. The contamination of lettuce and other fresh produce is caused by factory animals farms, not by produce farms. (E.coli can only thrive in the digestive tracts of animals, not plants.)
The “small farms” exclusion will soon be meaningless
The Tester Amendment of the bill did manage to exclude some smaller farmers from the more tyrannical provisions of the bill. As currently stated, this would exclude small farms that sell less than $500,000 worth of food and which sell most of their food locally.
However, Senators failed to consider what’s going to happen when the Federal Reserve keeps printing counterfeit money, devaluing the dollar and causing massive food price inflation. A farm that right now produces merely $100,000 worth of food (which could be a small, two-person farm) will soon find itself producing $500,000 worth of food (or more) due to the rapidly falling value of the U.S. dollar.
This is how the Federal Reserve’s money counterfeiting actions will further destroy America and place small family farms under the tyranny of the FDA.
What’s next: Defeat the bill in committee
The Senate version of the bill must now be reconciled with the House version that was passed last year. This reconciliation committee must hammer out the differences between the two bills.
Democrats are urgently rushing to do this during their “lame duck” session in order to avoid more Republicans getting involved who would seek to scale back the power and size of the federal government.
Some House Democrats are even suggesting they would support passing the Senate version of the bill as it is written, without requiring any changes whatsoever, just to rush it through before the end of the year. NaturalNews and other health freedom organizations intend to fight this effort, hoping to stall the bill until the new Congress can enter the picture and hopefully interject some common sense into the negotiations.
Please don’t feed the monster
If signed into law by the President (who is sure to sign it), this Food Safety Bill would provide yet more power and funding to one of the most dangerous monsters our nation has ever known: The FDA. This is the agency responsible for the death of more Americans than all the wars our nation has ever been involved with — combined! (…)
The idea that we’re going to save a few lives from food poisoning while subjecting everyone to yet another layer of Big Government tyranny is so abhorrent and downright evil that if our country’s founding fathers saw all this going on, they would be stunned into silence that it’s happening in “the land of the free.” Fresh milk being criminalized? You’ve got to be kidding…
Only they’re not kidding. The FDA is the agency that has raided vitamin companies (, arrested nutritional supplement manufacturers and ordered the destruction of books containing stevia recipes. This is the agency that censors the scientific truth about natural foods like cherries and walnuts (…) while promoting the outright fraud and quackery of the pharmaceutical industry.
And now the FDA is to be rewarded for its malfeasance with yet MORE power and authority?
This is how Washington works, folks. The government always thinks it’s here to save you, and the Democrats want Big Government to be your nanny and “take care of you.” (The Republicans, for their part, just want to bail out the wealthy banksters with your money.) And yet, when it all comes down to it, these people are just tyrants who have forgotten American history and abandoned the Constitution and its founding principles.
Mark my words: Five years down the road, when the FDA’s armed “food police” are running rampant across America, arresting farmers and imprisoning lettuce growers, people will be appalled, and they’ll wonder, “How could we have let this happen!?” The answer is right here: You let it happen because you allowed Big Government to rule over the food supply. And if there’s one thing we know about Big Government, it’s that it always wants to get bigger.
It always wants more power. More authority. More funding. And more excuses to function as a dictatorship that rules over the American people.
The Food Safety Modernization Act is to the food supply what the Patriot Act is to the Bill of Rights. We must make every effort to prevent this from becoming law, lest we find ourselves living under a food dictatorship where only dead, fumigated or irradiated food will be allowed to be sold to the public. The “food irradiation plot” has been the plan from the very beginning of all this (…).
Of course, once the real food is all criminalized and outlawed, there’s always soylent green. That might not be too far off, come to think of it.
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Poor Richard 2011
11/30/2010 09:01:00 PM
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THEY call it "State Capitalism".
ReplyDeleteTHEY say it's the way of the future.
THEY say that China has gone in that direction, and that the USA should follow.
THEY call it "State Capitalism" because that sounds more "acceptable" than "National Socialism" which is what it really is.
But "National Socialism" conjures up images of Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy.
THEY will call it anyting, do anything and stop at nothing to gain absolute control.
THEY will be the grand masters, while WE will be the slaves .....
Pissed Off in Hermann, MO
I remember September 11, 1990 when I first heard the words that instantly turned my blood cold:
ReplyDeletePresident George Herbert Walker Bush spoke before a joint session of Congress, regarding the Persian Gulf War. Among other topics, he stated that the war presented an opportunity for a "New World Order" to emerge.
Eleven years later — to the day — the twin towers of the World Trade Center would fall, creating yet another "opportunity" to move...
I believe the biggest threat to our Republic is the Power Elite, namely The Federal Reserve Bank...printing currency at will, while the dumbed down public thinks the stock market is going up, when in actuality, it's the devaluation of the dollar that gives the impression of a higher & stronger stock market.
At the same time prices on everyday goods keep rising eating up any gains the average Joe can ever possibly achieve.
This is all by design to rob the American people and trying to lead us to believe that BS, that only the government can save us.
The government can't do anything because they are nothing more than puppets of the Federal Reserve The same Federal Reserve who answers to no one, no country, they are, THE NEW WORLD ORDER and they want TOTAL CONTROL!!!
Thanks for Reading and visiting my site, I liked your comment, It's great to trade ideas with a non-sheeple!!!