Hermann Missouri 175 Year Anniversary 1836-2011

Hermann Missouri 175 Year Anniversary 1836-2011
Hermann Missouri 175 Year Anniversary 1836-2011

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Joplin Tornado Satellite Photos Before After Images 232 people are still missing


Dangerous: The tornado in Joplin is thought to be the eighth most deadly in American history - at least 125 people have died.

The six-block scar: Amazing satellite photos pinpoint devastation of Joplin as it emerges that 232 people are still missing

By Daily Mail Reporter

26th May 2011

  • The Joplin tornado has already killed at least 125 people, now officials say that 232 remain unaccounted for
Following the devastating tornado which ripped though Joplin at the weekend, these satellite images show the extent of the damage.
Before and after aerial photos show the shocking extent of the damage caused by the twister in the Missouri city - this image shows a six-block path of destruction.
Authorities say it's the deadliest single tornado in America since modern record-keeping began over 60 years ago. It's claimed the lives of at least 125 people and reports now say that 232 people are still missing.

Andrea Spillars, deputy director and general counsel for the Missouri Department of Public Safety, said a list of the 232 names will be released later today. She urged survivors to check in.
Officials said previously they believe people who are unaccounted for aren't necessarily dead or trapped in debris. They say many are probably safe and but failed to tell friends and family where they are. Cell phone service in Joplin remains spotty.
'Our goal is to get that number to zero,' Spillars said of the missing. 'We will dedicate as much state resources as needed around the clock to ensure those family who have loved ones that they cannot find are connected.'
Search-and-rescue teams have made multiple sweeps through the destruction, using dozens of dogs and listening devices in hopes of picking up the faint sound of anyone still alive beneath the collapsed homes and businesses. No new survivors have been pulled from the rubble since Tuesday.
So far 750 people have been taken to hospitals in the area and these images show lucky some people were, and how close they came to having their homes destroyed.
Joplin is reckoned to be the eighth deadliest in U.S. history - The so called Tri-State Tornado which hit Missouri, Illinois and Indiana on March 18, 1925, is believed to be the most deadly. That four-hour twister killed 695 people. 
Meanwhile powerful storms roared through middle America again yesterday, with weak tornadoes touching down in isolated spots and severe thunderstorms threatening such strikes in several states.
The National Weather Service issued tornado watches and a series of warnings in a dozen states, stretching northeast from Texas though the Mississippi River valley to Ohio.

'Everybody's working as fast and furious as possible,' said Beverly Poole, the chief meteorologist at the National Weather Service's office in Kentucky, which covers southeastern Missouri and southern Illinois. 'This is just a wild ride.'

There were no immediate reports of deaths from the new round of storms, though authorities reported dozens of minor injuries following brief tornado touchdowns in Missouri and Indiana.

Yesterday's storms followed a deadly outbreak on Tuesday in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas that killed at least 15 people. The nation's deadliest single tornado since 1950 killed 125 on Sunday in the southwest Missouri city.

Heavy rain, hail and lightning pounded Memphis last night as a tornado warning sounded.

Menacing clouds showed some rotation, but there were no confirmed reports of tornadoes touching down.

Southern Indiana authorities said at least 12 people were treated for non-life-threatening injuries after a tornado touched down along a highway east of Bedford, flattening homes, barns and other structures in its path.

'The guys on the ground there say it's a predominantly rural area, which is fortunate for the masses but of course not for the people nearby,' said Sergeant Brian Olehy of Indiana State Police.

There were also injuries reported when a storm struck a mobile home park west of Bloomington, state police said. Authorities were on their way to the scene but had to clear downed tree limbs and power lines from the roads first.

The Herald-Times reported emergency services in the area were conducting search and rescue operations and that a gas line in the area ruptured.
Earlier in the day, as many as 25 people suffered minor injuries when a tornado damaged several homes and businesses in the central Missouri city of Sedalia. Officials said most were able to get themselves the hospital for treatment.
'Considering the destruction that occurred in Joplin - being that we're in tornado alley and Sedalia has historically been hit by tornadoes in the past - I think people heeded that warning,' Sheriff Kevin Bond said. 'And so, I think that helped tremendously.'

Officials in Sedalia ended the school year several days early because of damage to buses. In one hard-hit neighbourhood, law officers stood on corners and electrical crews worked on power lines as people cleaned debris and sifted through belongings.

One of the heavily damaged homes was the house of Priscilla McCabe, 61, and her 30-year-old son Sean McCabe, who was home when the tornado struck.
Mr McCabe was heading to the basement and says the storm shoved him down the final flight of steps. He had scraps and cuts on his hands, wrists, back and feet. Blood was visible in the house, and much of the roof of the house was gone.

In Illinois, high winds, rain and at least four possible tornadoes knocked down power lines and damaged at least one home and a number of farm buildings across the central and eastern parts of the state.

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