Retired Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister
_________________________________________________________________________Springs man's claim to have Obama records starts buzz
___________________________________________________________________________________A Colorado Springs “birther,” retired Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, has Internet blogs abuzz with what may be an illegal foray into an online Social Security data base and how he obtained a copy of President Barack Obama’s draft registration from 1980.
“Col. Greg Hollister, USAF (Ret.) contacted the Selective Service, falsely impersonated President Obama, improperly registered his own address as President Obama’s address, and by this false impersonation and identity theft he managed to obtain a duplicate registration acknowledgement card with President Obama’s Selective Service information on it,” a blogger posted on last week. “This may violate several federal criminal statutes, and apparently caused the federal record of President Obama’s address with the Selective Service to be altered to show that he lives in Colorado Springs, CO.”
Hollister said Tuesday a private investigator, Susan Daniels of Ohio, gave him what is purported to be the president’s Social Security number. He then accessed the Social Security Number Verification Service to find out to whom it was issued and to access Selective Service documents.
The site allows registered users to verify names and Social Security numbers for employment purposes and warns that using it under false pretenses is a violation of federal law.
“According to the Social Security Administration, that number was never issued,” said Hollister, who challenged whether the president is an American citizen in a lawsuit the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Jan. 18 without requiring a response from the White House.
However, that’s the Social Security number that appears on the Selective Service documents Hollister obtained.
Hollister and others in the birther movement claim Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia and that his birth certificate showing he was born in Honolulu in 1961 is a forgery.
Being born outside the U.S. makes him ineligible to be president, they claim, because the Constitution requires the president to be a natural born citizen.
Hollister said the Social Security number on what he says is Obama’s draft registration begins with the numbers 042, which would be issued to someone born in Connecticut, not Hawaii.
Last week, California attorney Orly Taitz, who has led the legal challenges to Obama’s citizenship, filed an amended complaint in her latest lawsuit demanding Obama’s Social Security records, attaching as an exhibit the draft registration mailed to an address in Colorado Springs, according to the Reality Check Radio Blog.
It is unknown if the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Denver is investigating Hollister’s use of the data bases and obtaining Obama’s draft records.
Hollister denied breaking any laws.
“I was very meticulous and made sure everything I did was compliant with the law,” Hollister said, noting that he sent Obama an 1099 tax form.Read more:
Editor’s note: See Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation. If the man above has the correct information on Obama, it is beginning to look more and more like he is indeed an creation of the intelligence world.
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